Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Budget Woes...New Job!

My apologies for the week without updates.

Things, monetarily, have been up and down. I spent a large part of my weekend wages the day I got paid - I settled some debt, went grocery shopping and ate out.

Still. The budget is going OK. I have slacked off on writing everything down....oh well, I won't hold myself to a perfect standard, especially considering this is my first attempt at real fiscal responsibility and independence.

I've made enormous progress in the past month -

I've successfully saved 20% of my income in a long term ING savings account.
I've got a part-time job that pays me 90$ in cash each weekend.
I've (mostly) kept track of my expenses/income. There is, obviously, some room for improvement here.

Finally - here is some good news - I started my on-campus job yesterday. I have training (for which I am paid) for the next week or so. I will pick up around 11 hours just this $8.25/hour. This should really speed up my attempts at a Macbook, and allow me to get a turntable and some new records. There is a great record store in town.

I've got nowhere to go but up. What do you do when you fall off the horse, anyway?

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