Monday, September 15, 2008

Budgets Work Wonders for College Students

My budget is working fantastically. I'm saving up money for my Macbook, I'm putting money towards retirement (which is at least 40 years away, I figured), I'm covering most of my expenses and learning great financial habits. I highly suggest to any of my fellow Collegiate Frugaliteers that you set up a similar budget. Remember - 20% long-term, 40% short-term, 40% expenses.

Granted, the majority of college students don't have to pay for housing, food, etc. out-of-pocket. I realize this, but I would argue that developing successful spending/saving habits on a smaller scale is fundamental to long-term financial security.

Or something. I'm still an amateur at this frugal thing, but I'm coming around. Which leads me to my next point - humans are imperfect. Keeping that in mind can help ease some of the stresses associated with budgeting. Living in fear - financial or otherwise - of failure is, frankly, stupid. We will never be perfect, no matter how much we allocate, budget, etc.

Philosophical ramblings aside - I'm starting to think that people will soon actually read this blog. I hope so. Please leave a comment or follow (on the right pane) this blog if you like something you read here or if you simply have something to share.

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